Design Review

New land use proposal pits dollars vs the environment

Just weeks after a global warming study identified Downtown’s intense density as cause for its extreme heat status, a new land use proposal aims to make it easier to fill every small lot in Belltown by relaxing building standards.

New land use proposal pits dollars vs the environment

Land use policies are turning up the heat downtown

Seattle’s drive for extreme density downtown is equaled by its commitment to battling climate change. But a new heat map co-sponsored by the City shows these goals at odds. Read On….

Land use policies are turning up the heat downtown

Is it public outreach if no one knows about it?

A proposed Belltown tower checks the box for community engagement without actually engaging the community. Let SDCI know it’s time for a do-over.

Is it public outreach if no one knows about it?

New ‘Green Building’ programs have neighbors seeing red

Belltown residents cried foul when a proposed residential development was granted extra height and floor area by pledging to meet Green Building standards, even though these incentives would block more of their daylight and views. Learn how the new Belltown Livability Coalition is fighting back.

New ‘Green Building’ programs have neighbors seeing red

Superior Court says ‘not so fast’ with an EIS rubber stamp

Seattle determined a new 54-story tower would impact its neighborhood but said an EIS prepared 18 years ago had the impacts covered. Project neighbors and King County Superior Court thought otherwise….

Superior Court says ‘not so fast’ with an EIS rubber stamp

Developers want more Administrative Design Review. Will the Council serve it to them?

Developers are hungry for more closed-door design approvals

Developers want more Administrative Design Review.  Will the Council serve it to them?

Torgelson's re-appointment is early test of “City Hall reset”

Will new Council President Lorena Gonzalez follow through on her promise that City Hall’s reset “has the potential to put a brighter spotlight on what the mayor is or isn’t doing”?

“We’re not going to be pushed around … and I do think the election results have strengthened that dynamic,” SDCI Director Nathan Torgelson’s re-appointment is an early test.

Torgelson's re-appointment is early test of “City Hall reset”

It’s Time for Seattle to ‘Walk The Talk’ with Progressive Values

City Council and the Mayor passed a Green New Deal, proclaiming a future where “the social and ecological well-being of all people is prioritized over the profit of private corporations.”

But what happens when progressive values collide with Seattle reality? All of the talk goes down the drain, big developers win, and citizens lose; because of the City’s insatiable appetite for money.

It’s Time for Seattle to ‘Walk The Talk’ with Progressive Values

Seattle SDCI “snookered” again on 5th & Virginia!

It’s now eighteen months after the Hearing Examiner remand on daylighting and health, and the Applicant is just trying to muddy the water with their latest study in order to “ snooker” the SDCI into approving this unhealthy design, rather than make improvements available to them under the law that would yield a design that would work for everyone.

Seattle SDCI “snookered” again on 5th & Virginia!

Tone Deaf SDCI Forces Escala to Appeal!

The tone deaf SDCI rolled over once again on transportation matters, accepting the applicant’s “fantasyland” info virtually verbatim, forcing Escala to Appeal their approval of the nonfunctional design.

Tone Deaf SDCI Forces Escala to Appeal!

MOB’s Gone Mad?

Council Member Mike O’Brien [MOB] seems to have “gone mad” in the last few months, ever since it became obvious that he had no chance for Reelection to his District 6 Council seat. This week, however, his outrageous claims sank to a new low.

MOB’s Gone Mad?

Mama Mia! Mama and Baby towers would loom over the Fischer Studio Building

DRB asks for further study of proposed tower family after the community presented multiple studies and images showing that, without mitigation, the towers will do mass damage to the entire block.

Mama Mia! Mama and Baby towers would loom over the Fischer Studio Building

NATURAL LIGHT MATTERS: It’s the Essence of Life

Three new condo projects in varying stages of development in downtown Seattle: Emerald, First Light, and Spire all recognize the importance of natural light to the health and enjoyment of life of homebuyers, and each promotes natural light as a selling point to potential buyers.

NATURAL LIGHT MATTERS: It’s the Essence of Life

Downtown Design Review Board Asleep At The Wheel…Again!

The Developer of the Silver Cloud continues to disregard Code [SMC] and repeated direction from the Design Review Board (DRB) and SDOT as it proceeds through the Recommendation phase. And the DRB has not held them accountable. Unless modified Silver Cloud will have a devastating environmental impact on surrounding streets and right-of-ways.

Downtown Design Review Board Asleep At The Wheel…Again!

Fairness in Design Review

Open letter to Nathan Torgelson, Director SDCI:

When you read the Mission Statement of the Seattle Department of Construction and Inspections (SDCI), “As stewards and regulators of land and buildings, we preserve and enhance the equity, livability, safety, and health in our communities”, it is easy to see how far from your mission you have strayed. We request a meeting with you and any other decision maker with the authority to require the Design Review process be structured to represent and protect all parties’ interests.

Fairness in Design Review