Most downtown buildings in Seattle lack internal loading and rely on street and alley parking
Q&A with a livability advocate
Design of buildings without consideration of people will never be successful design, because the ultimate result will be no people....
The public loses when light is awarded to the highest bidder
Current building practice does not provide adequate daytime lighting levels - at least not in the US
Daylight is the key to setting our circadian rhythms. Design requirements for new buildings should reflect this.
It’s high time Seattle wises up about good tower design — from the ground up!
Recycling, compost and waste receptacles in alleys reduce functional width by 3-5 feet — that stinks!
Seattle is decreasing surface parking availability — and service professionals are suffering
Loading Dock Management Plans don’t solve poor functional design
The alley overload in downtown Seattle continues to worsen as more projects are approved while still lacking functional design
Towers not designed to handle deliveries in the age of e-commerce will overwhelm the transportation supply chain and urban livability, health, safety and the environment.
Seattle’s need for rapid transit, wide alleys, sidewalks, streets and public spaces has never been greater