
Seattle SDCI “snookered” again on 5th & Virginia!

It’s now eighteen months after the Hearing Examiner remand on daylighting and health, and the Applicant is just trying to muddy the water with their latest study in order to “ snooker” the SDCI into approving this unhealthy design, rather than make improvements available to them under the law that would yield a design that would work for everyone.

Seattle SDCI “snookered” again on 5th & Virginia!

Lack of Transparency in Seattle City Government Is A Big Problem

The lack of transparency in Seattle City Government has been in a disturbing downward spiral. We need major improvements in both attitude and process for our City to function in the responsible way that its citizens deserve.

Lack of Transparency in Seattle City Government Is A Big Problem

Tone Deaf SDCI Forces Escala to Appeal!

The tone deaf SDCI rolled over once again on transportation matters, accepting the applicant’s “fantasyland” info virtually verbatim, forcing Escala to Appeal their approval of the nonfunctional design.

Tone Deaf SDCI Forces Escala to Appeal!

Don’t Confuse Me With The Facts. My Mind Is Made Up!

PLUZ Committee votes 2-1 (O’Brien and Pacheco overrule Herbold) to send controversial CB119600 on a fast track to a full Council vote on October 7.

Don’t Confuse Me With The Facts. My Mind Is Made Up!

MOB’s Gone Mad?

Council Member Mike O’Brien [MOB] seems to have “gone mad” in the last few months, ever since it became obvious that he had no chance for Reelection to his District 6 Council seat. This week, however, his outrageous claims sank to a new low.

MOB’s Gone Mad?

CB119600 Needs Some Significant Revisions

Below is a letter to City Council Members calling out the “Monkey Business” in this bill that would further tilt the playing field in favor of developer interests and against legitimate taxpaying residents’ concerns.

CB119600 Needs Some Significant Revisions

District 7 Council Candidates Answer Key Questions

After researching all of candidates in the District 7 Seattle City Council race, attending a number of Candidate Forums, and talking with the five we thought were best aligned with our values and downtown livability, we emailed each of them a list of five key questions and asked for short, succinct answers. Below are the answers we received, in alphabetical order, without edits:

District 7 Council Candidates Answer Key Questions

Stop Making Excuses For Failures of Seattle's Criminal Justice System

When you are pointing a finger at someone, you are pointing three fingers back at yourself. Some serious introspection is needed here…and stop making excuses! If the problem with the City’s criminal justice system is a lack of money, a good administrator will have in his pocket at all times a list of steps and associated costs to fix the problem. If the problem is a philosophical one, own up to it, and defend it vigorously.

Stop Making Excuses For Failures of Seattle's Criminal Justice System