Embracing Neighborhood Improvements: If that's a NIMBY, We're proud to be one!!

Embracing Neighborhood Improvements: If that's a NIMBY, We're proud to be one!!

When you can't come up with a legitimate argument against folks working for a better future for downtown Seattle, you resort to name calling.

If a NIMBY is someone who is passionately working for a livable downtown Seattle, then you can call me a NIMBY.

If a NIMBY is someone who is an ardent supporter of funding for Affordable Housing, then you can call me a NIMBY.

If a NIMBY is someone who believes that you will destroy Seattle's downtown if you do not include residential development standards (such as tower spacing and alley setbacks in all new residential construction) in your HALA legislation, then you can call me a NIMBY.

If a NIMBY is someone who insists that the City enforce its own City Code in order to mitigate the adverse impacts of mass, bulk, and scale in ill-advised new developments, then you can call me a NIMBY.

A real NIMBY is someone who supports:

N - Neighborhood

I - Improvements,

M - Making Seattle

B - Better

Y - Yfere (together)