Mayor or Monarch?

When you are the scion of a prominent Washington political family, friend, confidant, and fixer for former Gov. Gregoire, appointee of former President Obama, and the establishment-backed Mayor of Seattle, I’m sure it’s easy to forget that you are not a Monarch, but a public servant elected for a four-year term. And if you want another term, I’d suggest you start acting like a public servant and become responsive, not defiant, in response to citizens’ legitimate concerns.

As David Horsey, the Pulitzer-prize winning political cartoonist so aptly said, you are skating on thin ice with your City cheerleader act, while so many serious issues with multi-generational impacts remain ignored.


For example, one of our downtown activist citizens, John Sosnowy, who is deeply concerned about conditions in downtown alleys, has been trying diligently to get just a 15 minute appointment to discuss this issue with you since February with no success, not even the courtesy of a response from your staff. Another downtown resident sent an “open letter” to you on this blog on March 22, and followed up with a personal letter by mail. As of today, again no response of any kind. These two examples are typical of what we hear from other residents all over town. You are our Mayor, but functioning like a Monarch, sheltered from reality by your protective staff.

Fortunately for you, you have some time to make a mid-term course correction and get things right. Use it wisely!